Lea has been learning all about sounds at school .... and the entire Junior School celebrated "f/ph" sound day .... so what did Lea want to go as? You got it ...a FILIPINO dragon FLY .....
With the help of a good friend i figured out how to make this happen .... was pretty happy with the results!
So we decided to play hookie from church and go to the beach for the day .... it was just so hot and the beach seemed the right place to go! Had a blast!
Here are Scott and the kids towards the end of our time .... relaxed and having a ball!
JJ's problem is that he is far too cute for his own good ..... he is a photo bunny and knows how to get cheesy for the camera! In these next shots he takes a solitary moment to contemplate his options and then goes for it!
This first shot of Lea was a "must" .... had to get her looking like a dork!
But then we move on the ever typical "beach babe" shots of Lea having a great time .... What's this! A Mermaid! No .... it's not .... it's a SANDmaid silly!