Monday, February 13, 2006

Modelling the pigtails. Posted by Picasa
You get used to the strange bird life at the Zoo Posted by Picasa
Daddy seemed a bit put out when I pinched his nose! Posted by Picasa
and these are the epigongs I saw! Posted by Picasa
Me seeing my first real live epigong (Elephant for the uninitiated) Posted by Picasa
Princess Lea rides the fake baby Rhino Posted by Picasa
I'm riding on a fake rhino, we saw the real ones too at Western Plains Zoo Posted by Picasa
My new Dora pyjamas Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

I have no idea what went into this banana smoothy but WOW! Posted by Picasa
OK, now the model pose! Posted by Picasa
OK, I gotta do the occasional princess pose. Posted by Picasa